Multiple Destinations and Plus Addressing

Plus addressing (also known as subaddressing, disposable addresses, instant aliases, and subaddress extensions) is a feature where you can add a suffix to an existing email address to create a unique, receive-only variant of the existing email addresses.

The suffix usually transforms an email address, e.g. [email protected], to an alias by adding a +tag suffix, like so: [email protected], which makes it easier to find, filter, and process incoming emails.

In order to use plus addressing with Pensieve, your email provider must support plus addressing. Here are some email providers that do support it:

Other email providers have similar, but different and less automatic, systems for creating disposable email addresses:

Pensieve supports multiple destinations to which you can send your emails. Using this feature, you can add a destination in Pensieve for each plus address to which you want to send email, and then you can create filters and searches in your email provider to identify these emails from Pensieve. For example, you might add destinations in Pensieve to use for different recurring topics, themes, or uses:

Identifying Emails from Pensieve

When you email yourself using Pensieve, the emails will always arrive in your inbox from [email protected]. You can create filters in Gmail and other email providers to search for messages from:[email protected] that label and process emails you send yourself from Pensieve.

If you setup Pensieve to send email to a plus address, you can create filters looking for messages to:<your-plus-address> to identify, label, and process emails sent from Pensieve to that email address variant.